Wednesday, January 23, 2013

{Support System}

I've got to brag just a little bit: my husband is absolutely amazing, and I am one blessed girl to have found him.  We've been together almost two years, married almost two months, and he is my world.  When I started my weight loss journey, he was my biggest supporter.  He encouraged me every day and celebrated each weight loss goal I achieved.  He even started eating what I cooked which made it that much easier for me to stay on track {turned out to be a good thing for him, he ended up losing weight with me}.  My weight loss journey became "our" weight loss journey.  Each pound lost made our relationship stronger, and we created a new healthy lifestyle together.  I know I wouldn't have been successful without him by my side every step of the way. 

One story that really sticks out to me is the day I realized I had to buy a whole new wardrobe.  Every article of clothing I owned was too big for me.  One day, I sat in my closet, crying.  Stephen came in the closet and asked me what was wrong.  I sobbed, "None of my clothes fit me anymore."  He asked me why I was sad about it and said that I should be happy, it was a great thing!  Truth was, I wasn't comfortable in my new skin yet and the thought of having to start completely over with my wardrobe was overwhelming.  I wasn't expecting to have to do it so soon.  With his encouragement, patience (lots of patience I might add) and support, I was able to gradually rebuild my wardrobe.  It was a challenge for me at first to get used to shopping and looking for a smaller size, but Stephen was by my side for each shopping trip.  I mean, honestly, how many guys out there go shopping with their girl?!  He's quite the trooper.  

I'm very blessed to have such a great guy in my life.

Bragging aside, this story has a purpose.  I am a firm believer that having a support system is a huge part of any weight loss goal.  Whether your support be your significant other, best friend, or a family member, find that someone who you can confide in and trust...that person you can lean on and who will hold you accountable when you need it.  Having that support is an essential key of your journey.

I love you, Stephen.  Each day you make me a better person.

Mrs. Munana

“You can’t do it all yourself. Don’t be afraid to rely on others to help you accomplish your goals.” ~Oprah Winfrey

Before & After

Before & After

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