Friday, March 1, 2013

{Oven Baked Salmon}

Going back to my previous blog post, I promised you a few “lean protein” recipes.  I’ll start out with one of my husband’s favorite recipes, Oven Baked Salmon.  Salmon is more than just a “lean protein”.  It’s good for you on so many levels: it's high in omega 3 fatty acids and is full of vitamins such as Vitamin D & B12.  One thing I will briefly mention regarding salmon is that you should always choose “Wild” versus “Farm Raised” salmon.  Farmed salmon can be higher in PCBs and other contaminants because they're fed ground fish meal which is high in contaminants and then they “fatten up” the farm raised salmon.  I guess you could say “wild” salmon is the more organic version of salmon that doesn’t contain all those contaminants.

{Oven Baked Salmon}
Salmon Fillet, “Wild”
Olive Oil
Lemon, sliced
Other Seasoning of Choice

Preheat oven to 375 Degrees.  Place salmon skin side down on large piece of foil (spray foil with cooking spray first).  Season with salt, pepper, and desired seasoning.  Lightly pour olive oil on top of fillet, then line the fillet with lemon slices.  Secure foil packet around the salmon and place on a baking sheet.  Bake in the oven for 35 to 45 minutes.  You’ll know when the salmon is completely cooked when it can be “flaked” with a fork.  {4 oz = 5 WW Pts}


Mrs. Munana
Gimme some of that LEAN PROTEIN!

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