Thursday, August 8, 2013

{Throwback Thursday #TBT}

I'm inspired daily on social media by people who have made amazing body and life transformations.  I love seeing the hard work people put into losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Some celebrate together online by showing before and after pictures and tagging #throwbackthursday or #tbt.  Knowing myself the hard work that goes into losing any amount of weight, I feel a sense of connection and community with these souls on social media.  My husband and I have both worked very hard and maintained our weight loss and continued our healthy lifestyle, so it's amazing when you see that happening for others. 

In spirit of #throwbackthursday, I decided to showcase and celebrate our hard work and dedication through a series of before/after pictures.  I'll admit that I sometimes become discouraged when I don't see results week-to-week, but when I look back at old pictures and compare to now, I am instantly inspired again. 
Before - 142 lbs / After - 117 lbs

We've lost a combined total of over 65 lbs together!

This whole "Throwback Thursday" concept really got me thinking about how much of a transformation my husband and I have experienced since we decided to make a healthy life change.  When I "throwback" to my old lifestyle, I remember feeling miserable, and I had no self confidence.  I remember mindlessly eating and on a given Friday night I could easily down a couple bottles of wine with Stephen.  On a certain level it's embarrassing to admit that I lived that way, but at the same time, I can also see how far I've come.  Emotionally I am a whole new me.  I have realized I can push myself to try new things and I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.  I've realized there's more to life than living it in a "mindless" way.  I'm conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth now and know that the positive decisions I'm making for my body today will pay off in the future. 

I'm so thankful that I can look back at our "Throwback Thursday" pictures and be proud of how far we've come together. 

Mrs. Munana

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