I felt it coming on at work, and it turned out to be the flu, yuck! Luckily my husband is pretty much the best ever, and he took great care of me. I had to miss two days of work, but my body needed rest and time to heal. I was doped up on Tamiflu and sleeping 14 plus hours a day, but thankfully I got better rather quickly. One part of being sick that really sucked was I missed about a week at the gym. My body was DYING for activity. I was so tired of just sitting at home feeling helpless and watching countless re-runs of Giada at Home. Stephen took me out into the world for a frozen yogurt treat a few times {I HAD to get out of the house}, but other than that I was sedentary.
Monday night was my first night back at the gym and my body was thirsting for it. Hot Vinyasa class was calling my name. A 95 degree yoga studio and my hot pink yoga mat were all I needed. One hour later and drenched in sweat, I was so refreshed; I felt brand new! I was shocked at how challenging it was on my body when I had only missed one week. I definitely felt it the next day, but in a good way! Although I struggled with my breathing {"ujjayi" breathing for all you yoga pros} because I still have a slight cough, I realize how much my body loves working out and is so thankful when I treat it right.
I want to share a quote with you that my Zumba instructor at Lifetime Fitness shouts out during each class she teaches, "WORK OUT TODAY LIKE YOU MIGHT NOT GET TO TOMORROW!!" I now understand completely what she means by that quote.
Our bodies are a wonderful creation, telling us when we need rest to heal, saying thanks when we eat a healthy meal, and rejoicing when we work out those wonderful muscles. This week I'm thankful for my body's voice and I'm thankful I am able to be back in full swing again!
Stay tuned, more posts and recipes to come soon!
Mrs. Munana

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