Happy "Weight Loss Journey Anniversary" to me!
Before & After Picture |
I remember that day so vividly, as I was nervous as heck to fail again. As I stepped onto that scale and heard my weight aloud, "142 pounds", I almost puked. I was totally disgusted and ashamed of myself, but at the same time I knew I needed to hear my weight spoken aloud and documented for me to see in my little booklet. It was a number I never wanted to see again. And that's how it all began for me: changing bad habits, living a healthier lifestyle, and challenging myself physically and mentally.
What a year it has been on my journey!
Never would I have expected my success to have happened so quickly. I've not only met my weight loss goal, but I've also lost more than my goal and maintained my weight! There has been a dramatic change physically and emotionally for me. I've realized my worth and what I want for myself and my life with my husband.
I want to take this opportunity to say a special thanks to all the wonderful people who have supported me the past year.
First and foremost to Stephen, my husband. Without him, this whole journey would not have been as successful. I know I mention him a lot in my blogs, but it's because he is my biggest supporter and my best friend. Our lifestyle has changed so much in the past year, and we've bettered ourselves by living a healthier lifestyle together. He was there for me during the good and the bad, and he is always willing to try a new healthy recipe that I've created or motivate me to want to workout even when I am not in the mood.
Secondly, I want to thank my family, who always celebrated with me in my successful moments and noticed when I began dropping the pounds. Their kind words motivated me to keep going. Especially my mom, she was the first person I called each week after my weigh-in at Weight Watchers. The first thing she would ask, "So, how much did you lose this week?!" Knowing she was waiting to hear the good news each week was another great motivator for me.
Last but certainly not least, my loyal blog followers. Each person who has sent me a thoughtful text message or contacted me via social media has shown me that my successful journey can bring hope and inspiration to others who may need a boost to want to change their lives too. I love hearing stories of those who have tried my recipes and loved them or having them tell me that my story has inspired them to make a positive change in their lives.
Here's to another amazing year!
Mrs. Munana

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